Shenzhen Xinrui Safety Products Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinrui Safety Products Co.,Ltd.

Reflective vest can protect people

Reflective vest can protect people

    ANSI-certified reflective vest meets a specific requirement that has been put in place to enhance visibility in hazardous, busy, and chaotic work environment. But what about the work environment that ANSI Class safety gear actually reduces our visibility?

    It may sound seldom, but it's a totally valid question. Generally speaking, it's the bright colors and mandatory reflectivity of an ANSI Class garment that allows us to be seen. However, in some circumstance, we must consider that quality is useless in a safety perspective, and Non-ASNI safety vest is considered less safe, but it may be more beneficial to the wearer and even save lives.

    Imagine working in the forest during the prime months in autumn when leaves are changing color and displaying vibrant hues of yellow and orange. Imagine working on road to repair a heavy wooded back road during the same season. Imagine when firefighters wear yellow vest among a blazing landscape to put out the fire. In all of these situations - especially during the daylight hours - the reflectivity of ANSI safety gear becomes irrelevant and the bright colors may actually work against their original intentions. What was meant to help you stand out from your surroundings is now doing the opposite.

    It should be smart on choosing the most suitable reflective fabric clothing for you. If you want to more information, please check our website

PREVIOUS:What are the requirements of ANSI/ISEA 107 Class 2 and 3 for high visibility clothing?
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